Donate to Run For The Blue

Support Christy Vulich in her Guiness World Record attempt to break the record for most half marathons run in a month starting March 1, 2024!

Step 1: Click here or the button below to go to the donation page.

Step 2: In the Donation Purpose field, please enter “Run For The Blue” so your donation will be credited to our fund. Then complete the form with your information.

Meet Christy

My name is Christy Vulich. I am the wife of a Ventura County Deputy, a mom of 3, a pretend chicken farmer, and an avid runner. I have had the honor of running an ultra marathon and multiple half marathons. Trail running is really what has my heart. I am also a personal trainer. I coach a free class Monday-Friday over zoom with the sole purpose of just helping people move their bodies and showing them that they absolutely can! I guess you could say fitness is a big part of who I am. 

Why Christy Is Running

My World Record attempt is something very personal for me. Not only do I get the opportunity to run the most Half Marathons in a month, but I also get to raise awareness and money for First Responders and their mental health.

Statistically, they are the most at risk and I think we have the ability to change that by providing awareness, support, resources and getting communities involved.

Suicide is something that has greatly effected me personally. It’s an unimaginable loss and pain. As I was preparing for this record attempt I knew I wanted to dig deeper into this area and try and make some sort of impact.

I came across Ride for the Blue and I absolutely loved what they stood for. Not only that but their long term goal and where they are heading as far as support for our first responders and their families.

Our missions and passions for this are inline. The way we are raising awareness may be different but our target is the same. I don’t know how to ride a motorcycle but I can sure run!

Over the month of March I will be running a half marathon in attempt to break the record for most half’s run in a month.

I will also be running in honor of a first responder we have lost due to suicide, giving their family and friends the opportunity to donate in their honor. It truly is a beautiful way to show them their loved ones are being remembered. I would be honored if you would partner with me by following along, cheering me on, donating to this cause and spreading the word.

We can make massive change when we partner together!