Proclamation - Ventura County Board of Supervisors

Honoring John Short, Founder – Sergeant Ron Helus Ride For The Blue

Video From Presentation

Presentation Clip – John Short Receiving Proclamation + Speakers Sharing
County of Ventura Board of Supervisors Meeting – February 28, 2023

2023 County Board of Supervisors Proclamation

Message From John Short

February 28, 2023 was a very special day for all of us..  It was a day that I accepted the proclamation for the Sergeant Ron Helus Ride for the Blue.  This journey started in 2015 when a small group of my friends rolled to several police stations to honor those that protect and serve our local community.

As the years passed, the interest and support has grown to overwhelming proportions.  2022 we had over 450 riders and over 50 volunteers supporting this event as we traveled over 120 miles through 9 cities visiting 9 different police agencies. 

The number one cause of death for our first responders across the country is still suicide.  To help combat this horrific statistic the money we raise each year benefits mental health wellness for ALL the First Responders of Ventura County so they can be the best at their profession.

Although I did receive this Proclamation from the County Board of Supervisors on February 28th, 2023 on behalf of the Ride For The Blue, this belongs to all those who ride each year, the over 50 volunteers that come out each year to support the event, and the generous donations from our corporate sponsors.

Remember, our first responders go to work every day, knowing they may not come home to their family at the end of their shift.  They run towards danger when others run from danger.  They serve without hesitation nor reservation, keeping us out of harm’s way.

May God Bless each of you, may God Bless our first responders and may God Bless America.

Sincerely yours,

John Allen Short III, Founder
Sergeant Ron Helus Ride for the Blue
Honoring ALL the First Responders of Ventura County